Benefits of Strength Training Pt II

Today we look at a few more 'common' positives of resistance training - things you might hear about on social media or from the medical community.


Improve Bone Density

Yep, one of the best ways to improve bone density (as to help avoid breaks and fractures!) is to make your bones and muscles work! It's literally the old "use it or lose it" mentality. Use your muscles and bones more...i.e., put more stress on them...they are forced to rebuild stronger than they were. Don't use them and they'll weaken. 


Lose the 'Inner Tube'

As we age an 'inner tube' of excess weight sometimes accumulates around our mid-section -and that can be really unhealthy...leading to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc. Scary! Weight lifting (nor any exercise) can spot reduce fat, but strength training CAN help reduce overall body fat percentage. So resistance training can lead to less 'inner tube' and other unwanted excess weight. Interestingly enough, as I've coached students through strength training and nutrition accountability, many times they first notice losing weight in their jawline, neck and feet! Then, their body continues to reorganize (or what we call 'recomposition) and excess weight starts to decrease in the belly and booty. 


Gain Energy! 

So if you are stronger in your muscles and bones and have lost excess fat, then it's very likely that you're more energetic! More energy also translates to more mental focus and clarity. It's a win-win all the way around! 


If you don't currently practice resistance training and are interested in how to start, I'm happy to direct you to a Free Trial Training Session or a Personal Trainer here at TFW Longmont.

 In good health!
Coach Katy


2 Quick Nutrition Reminders!


Benefits of Strength Training Pt I