2 Quick Nutrition Reminders!

Reminder #1:

Nutrition is not all or nothing. For most of us, we live in a rather grey area where we make pretty healthy choices most of the time and then sometimes...choices by convenience or peer pressure or emotion. 

But let me ask you this: is brushing your teeth an all or nothing experience in your life? Of course brushing your teeth isn't all or nothing. You don't skip a brushing and think, 'oh well...guess I'll wait until Monday morning to start brushing again.' I mean, gross, right?! But some of us do this with our nutrition and fitness: 'oh well...guess I'll wait until next week to get back on routine.' 

As a Nutrition & Fitness Accountability Coach, I call bologna on this mentality!  (BTW, I heard this funny brushing teeth analogy on a podcast, so I'm totally stealing it, but it illustrates my point so well!). 

So you skipped a training session, chose to indulge or gave in to something that tasted amazing in the moment. That doesn't mean you have to wait to right your wrong, which brings me to reminder number 2:

 Reminder #2:

Let's start with a question. It's not a trick question. Or maybe it is...you decide: what is the most important meal? Breakfast? Yeah, that one is pretty important for most of us. Dinner? Yeah, I tend to enjoy feeling full overnight and not hangry (not a typo). But really, the most important meal is...drumroll please...your next one! 

 I’m really not trying to be facetious. Training For Warriors Founder and Head Coach, Martin Rooney, introduced me to this concept and it's a good one. It drives home the point that what is done is done...moving on...get back on the horse! 

Can I help keep you accountable in your Nutrition & Fitness? Let me know!

In good health!
Coach Katy


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